Manufacturing Cares

Remembering Senator Anthony Bucco

It is with a heavy heart that we received the sad news of the death of Senator Anthony Bucco. Death has robbed us of an astute legislator. May G-d comfort his family, friends and indeed all New Jersey residents during this difficult period of mourning. 

Senator Bucco spared no efforts in executing his transformational agenda. He leaves behind a rich legacy of a great leader and a very progressive lawmaker. He was the President of Baker Titan Adhesives, a manufacturing company in Paterson, member of the Bi-Partisan Legislative Manufacturing Caucus, and a past recipient of the ‘Made in New Jersey’ Honor Roll given to individuals who have made a difference for manufacturers within the state of New Jersey.  It is unfortunate that his demise comes at a time when we all looked forward to his recovery and comeback to the Senate.  Despite the burden of fighting cancer, Senator Bucco remained focused working for the people he represented. This fidelity to servant leadership made him stand tall among his peers in the State House.

He will be deeply missed.

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