
Senators Gopal and Oroho Discuss Bipartisanship at Rutgers

Dear Friend,

I was proud to join Senator Steven Oroho to put party lines aside and meet with students at Rutgers University’s Eagleton Institute of Politics recently to discuss the importance of bipartisanship.

As guest speakers for Rutgers’ Talking Politics — a new seminar being piloted this fall that emphasizes the premise that citizens must be able to communicate in honest and civil political discussions in order for democracy to work — Senator Oroho and I discussed the importance of building relationships across the political aisle and working with colleagues in both parties to pass legislation, as well as the need for civil political discourse.

I am a strong believer in forging relationships with my colleagues across the aisle. When I was first elected, I tried to meet with every member of the State Senate, both Republican and Democrat, to build relationships with them. Even when I had stark ideological and moral differences with my colleagues, I found a way to relate to them and form some type of connection.

It is imperative that we look beyond our parties and see one another as people who simply want to work in the best interest of New Jersey’s residents. It is the only way that we can accomplish that goal.

I look forward to continuing to work with Senator Oroho, along with my other colleagues in the Senate, to make New Jersey a better place to live and work.


Vin Gopal
11th District

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