NJMEP’s Manufacturing Day Event With Manufacturing Talk Radio

Manufacturing Day has come and gone which was celebrated on October 7th to help show the public a true representation of modern manufacturing. The industry has been struggling with a negative stigma of being a dirty, dangerous and low-paying career path. However, the modern manufacturing industry has evolved and the image of the industry needs to transform as well. For this year’s MFG Day, Manufacturing Talk Radio attended NJMEP’s MFG Day event at the Palace in Somerset New Jersey. We had the opportunity to meet with manufacturers from all over New Jersey, conduct interviews and listen to keynote speeches which discussed real-world issues manufacturers face today.

Most of the keynote speeches shared one underlying theme and that was focusing on how to  restore manufacturing in New Jersey to its former glory. This is not saying that manufacturing in New Jersey is dead, because it’s not. There are thousands of manufacturers all throughout the state that are still in business and evolving along with the industry as it progresses and advances. The issue is that the federal and state governments continue to hinder these important businesses economic development. Manufacturers are conducting business with essentially one hand tied behind their back because of new, illogical regulations and invasive legislation that is taxing these businesses into the ground. Furthermore, without younger generations to fill the growing number of job opportunities, the manufacturing industry will continue to struggle finding new talent. 

These issues are on the minds of nearly every manufacturer, not only in New Jersey but around the country. New tax laws and unfair regulations are seriously holding these manufacturers back from reaching their full potential. Manufacturing Day may be focused on showing students, parents and educators how much this industry has to offer, but it has also taken on a second role. This celebration also provides a forum where manufacturers can come together and discuss issues that are holding their individual companies back. Manufacturing Day offers so much to not only the next generation of potential manufacturers, but to the businesses themselves. 

After the keynote speeches came to a close Manufacturing Talk Radio began interviewing some manufacturers and noteworthy individuals that were in attendance. Some of the interviews included discussions with John Kennedy, CEO of NJMEP, Lt. Governor of New Jersey, Kim Guadagno and more. The full list of interviews will be available at mfgtalkradio.com. Not only did we speak with the manufacturers and politicians that made it to the event, students from NJIT and Rutgers were attending as well. These students are the future of the manufacturing industry, and finding out what drew them toward the industry is vital. We spoke to numerous students from these amazing schools to find out more about what they were studying, what courses they were taking and what got them interested in a manufacturing career. Those interviews will also be available at mfgtalkradio.com. 

Manufacturing Day has offered businesses a way to reach out to the youth that will one day be leading this vital industry. However the celebration has taken on other roles since it began five years ago. Now, not only is it helping to spread the word about modern manufacturing but it is also providing a means by which manufacturers can come together and discuss issues that are hindering business. Manufacturing Day brings manufacturing companies, students, and local and federal politicians together to talk about the same topic, manufacturing. MFG Day has become even more important for manufacturers around the country. We want to thank NJMEP for inviting us to their event and for what they are doing to create a brighter future for all those involved in the manufacturing industry. 

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 To read the original article, click here. 

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