Green Supplier Mapping Reduces Commercial Printer’s Carbon Footprint
Contemporary Graphic Solutions is an award winning custom order commercial printer who, with the help of NJMEP’s Green Mapping, is able to provide the most environmentally friendly solution to its customers’ needs.
Contemporary’s 100,000 square foot facility, with its 234 employees, is located in Pennsauken, NJ. They produce over 6 million tons annually of printed materials, using state of the art conventional and digital printers, die cutting, bindery, and assembly and mail order fulfillment for direct mail. All of their process materials are focused on reducing their carbon footprint by using non-toxic inks, water recycling, and nearly 100% recycling efforts for paper, wood, aluminum, cardboard and plastics.
Contemporary wanted to make certain its carbon footprint was as minimal as possible. To do this they consulted New Jersey Manufacturing Extension Program, Inc. (NJMEP). The NIST MEP Green Supplier Mapping was developed to help manufacturers go green, so it’s methodology was ideal for helping Contemporary achieve its objective. As stated on its website, “Going Green is a major factor in all of our business planning decisions at Contemporary Graphic Solutions. We have completely embraced Going Green and consider its implementation a strong piece of our core competency. We strive to be a dedicated steward of the environment and assist our customers and corporate partners in doing the same.”
The Lean technique, Value Stream Mapping, forms the basis for Green Supplier mapping. It was used to look at Contemporary Graphic Solutions’ processes beginning with a request for a quote through delivery of its product. Metrics of cycle time, process times, complete and accurate information reliability, change over parameters, energy, recycling and lead time were all captured through “mapping.” “Mapping” looks at and tracks each step in a process (Current State Map). In addition to mapping, observations made during a walk-through of the facility (Gemba walk) contributed to the process.
Cross-functional staff participated in the mapping process. The issues identified in the process were primarily the wastes of waiting, transportation, first pass quality, overproduction, excessive follow-up, approvals, and distance.
The current state map coupled with the issues identified provided Contemporary Graphic Solutions with a blue print for moving forward to make certain its carbon footprint was as minimal as possible.
When completing the NIST survey, Contemporary Graphic Solutions President, James Moreton, reported as a result of the onsite Green Supplier Mapping:
- New Sales of $100,000
- 3 New Hires
- Cost Savings of $150,000
- Invested $5,000 in New Products and/or Processes
Leonardo Rodriguez, Director of Continuous Improvement added:
- Software was upgraded which enhanced the accuracy and speed of the press color control (“This allowed us to get up to color quicker which reduced the number of sheets needed in the make ready process before we switched over to sellable sheets.”)
- “Sort”, “Set”, and “Shine” has become part of the organization
- A waterless toilet and five (5) motion detection light sensors were installed
- Using the “blueprint” a continuous improvement plan was implemented and that resulted in, to name just a few, improvements:
- Material Movement Improvements
- Implementing Standard Work Instructions
- Training Personnel
- Improved flow throughout the Facility
- Tracking of job movements
- Improved incoming and receiving processes (dedicated operator)
- B&R Vision System Implemented
When speaking on the company’s continuous improvement program, Mr. Rodriguez, said, “Our work with NJMEP laid the foundation for our program. The value stream mapping project was the blue print for our continuous improvement plan. Green Supplier Mapping is a good investment for a manufacturer that wants to provide the most environmentally friendly solution to its customers’ needs.”
NJMEP’s Main Service Areas:
- Business Development Services
- Contingency and Emergency Planning
- Destination Innovation
- Energy Alliance Program
- ExporTech™
- Human Resources Solutions
- Lean Business Solutions
- Quality Management Systems & ISO
- R&D Tax Credits
- Six Sigma
- Supply Chain, Transportation and Logistics Services