Cyber-Breach Awareness and Response — Cyber Breach is a Business Problem, Not an IT Problem

Your business is a target for a Cyber Attack. Today, it is not “IF,” but “WHEN.”

Most business are doing many of the right things to keep the criminals out of their business, but most companies remain unprepared to recognize and respond to a cyber attack. NJMEP and Firestorm will present an interactive Cyber-Crisis response simulation exercise and presentation that is designed for manufactures of all sizes. This workshop will stress-test the businesses preparedness and response in a simulated cyber-crisis. The attendees will be guided through a series of escalating events, with participants utilizing their own crisis management and cyber-breach response plans to each stage. Participants Will Learn:

Anyone who wants to ensure their organization is prepared for a cyber breach, should attend this workshop.

  Please contact Kathleen Baldwin, Sales Support Manager at NJMEP with any questions or need of further assistance.  973-998-9801 ext. 211

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