Business Development Services

Are You Looking for Business Advice in all the Wrong Places?
BY: ANDREW FRAIZER, MBA, CFA CFA, NJMEP BUSINESS GROWTH SERVICES (BGS) RESOURCE Contact Us Today! Your retired uncle Bob who ran a barbershop may…

What is DMAIC?
Exploring The Core of Six Sigma Six Sigma is a methodology that is comprised of multiple strategies that help businesses develop innovative…

Navigating an Innovative World
The world is constantly changing, and businesses need to adapt to survive. They are struggling to attract and retain the employees they…

How Can Businesses Increase Sales and Become More Sustainable?
New Jersey small and mid-sized manufacturers are navigating an increasingly competitive business landscape. Every business unit is facing challenge after challenge, while…

New Cybersecurity Regulations May Impact You
What Businesses Need to Know and the Resources to Help The National Security Agency (NSA) and the U.S. government as a whole…

3 Ways Manufacturing Companies Can Improve Cash Flow
By Andrew Frazier, MBA, CFA Cash flow is a challenge for most businesses, especially manufacturing companies because they tend to have more…

The NJMEP Business Assessment is Priceless
Business leaders are problem solvers by trade. No matter what the industry; manufacturing, supply chain, STEM, etc., decision-makers face unique challenges that…

Introduction to Business Growth Suite of Services
NJMEP has been helping NJ manufacturers become more productive, profitable and globally competitive for over 20 years. We are often recognized for…

NJMEP and the 401(k) Assessment
They said they’d save us money, assume the role of fiduciary and manage our 401k plan? By Lynore DeSantis and Robert…

January 2018 is Workforce Development Month
Workforce development has always been the keystone of NJMEP’s workplace improvement initiative. Without doing your best to address issues facing your workforce,…